Super Scoopers - Customer Service Notice
Super Scoopers - Customer Service Notice
James Beagle
The Original Scooper
It's important to us that his legacy - his standard of quality, focus on Customer Service and love of dogs and people is carried on dutifully.
We're so excited to take this next step with James and help keep our local neighbourhoods clean!
James Beagle, April 3rd 1992, Toronto Star
Super Scoopers
Has partnered with
James Beagle
The Original Scooper
James Beagle, April 3rd 1992, Toronto Star
It's important to us that his legacy - his standard of quality, focus on Customer Service and love of people is carried on dutifully.
We're so excited to take this next step with James and help keep our local neighbourhoods clean!
James Has Always Taken Safety Seriously
with photo / video
Our technician sends us a report featuring photo / video shots of the yard and gate, ensuring it's securely latched
In realtime
Someone in the office checks the reports methodically, ensuring the gate is securely latched and nothing is amiss
When completed
You'll receive a text when the job is complete and report is authorized. We'll also let you know about anything notable!
How does payment work?
A couple small differences we hope you'll love!
Once a card is on file, payment is totally automated. We like to keep it simple!
Pre-payment Options
We have 4 week plans, and discounted 3 & 12 month plans as well!
James Has Always Taken Safety Seriously
with photo / video
Our technician sends us a report featuring photo / video shots of the yard and gate, ensuring it's securely latched
In realtime
Someone in the office checks the reports methodically, ensuring the gate is securely latched and nothing is amiss
When complete
You'll receive a text when the job is complete and report is authorized. We'll also let you know about anything notable!
How does payment work?
Once a card is on file, payment is totally automated. We like to keep it simple!
Pre-payment Options
Discounted Service
So how do I get set up?
It's pretty quick and easy, and just takes 1-2 mins!
Please use the form below.
$30 per week, billed 4 weeks at a time.
The quick version:
Fill out your information
Finish the form to create account
We'll customize your service on the next pages
You'll receive a confirmation email
We'll give you a welcome call to discuss your service
You'll receive a VIP number to call us any time!
This form will get you signed up for 1x Weekly Service
$30 a week, billed 4 weeks at a time.
The quick version:
Fill out your information
Finish the form to create account
We'll customize your service on the next pages
You'll receive a confirmation email
We'll give you a welcome call to discuss your service
You'll receive a VIP number to call us any time!
Anyone who lives in the GTA and owns a dog has likely heard of James & Super Scoopers - he's been at this longer than anyone else I know!
It's been his life's work, and from the conversations I've had with some of his long time customers he really cares deeply about everyone he's worked with.
To me, it's important we keep James' legacy alive as he transitions into an exciting new chapter of his life.
On behalf of the team here, I'm honoured to have the opportunity to help carry that legacy on by providing the excellent customer experience that James has always prided himself on.
Woah Nelly!
This is something we take serious pride in. We have full time staff dedicated to monitoring & providing support to our technicians. Our technicians provide detailed reports after every service, and the office audits the reports to ensure the gate is secured before sending you a notification.
These reports are time stamped and GPS tagged to ensure accuracy, and as soon as they're authorized you'll receive an automatic text to let you know your yard is done and the gate is secure.
How does the Pricing work?
We bill in advance, with 3 options for time.
4 Week Plan, for those who like to go month to month.
3 Month Plan (most popular), a discounted plan for forward thinkers.
12 Month Plan, for those working on an annual budget.
Will the service frequency change?
We currently provide weekly service in the GTA.
Good question! We do the city, area by area, day by day. Your service day will depend on which part of the city you're in and will stabilize over the next few weeks.
This is probably the first major difference. For weekly customers, we double-bag and secure the waste before putting it in the city bins as it falls within the safe threshold of the city bylaws.